
These privacy policies (the “Privacy Policies”) will be effective upon acceptance for new users and are effective as of July 1, 2018. 

The privacy of user information is very important to Bixxus. It is for that reason that precautions are taken to safeguard your information, using the most complete and effective information protection computer security mechanisms. As a normal part of our business we collect and, in some cases, disclose information about our users and visitors to our Web site. This Privacy Policy describes what information Bixxus collects about its users and visitors and what may be done with that information. This policy is very detailed because it is important that all users and visitors to our Web site are aware of Bixxus’ practices as accurately as possible. By registering and/or browsing the Bixxus Web site, the user and/or visitor unambiguously consents to the use of his or her personal information in accordance with the policies described below. 

This document is an integral part of the Bixxus General Terms and Conditions. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions at the time of registration the user accepts the policies contained herein. 

This document is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Bixxus. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions at the time of registration the user accepts the policies contained herein. 


Rights of access, removal and rectification of personal information

Users may exercise their rights to know, access, withdraw and update their Personal Information, including their e-mail address, as well as to oppose the processing thereof and to be informed of the assignments carried out, all in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Information provided, and undertake to keep it duly updated. 

Once registered in Bixxus, the user will be able to review and change the information that has been sent to us during the registration process including: 

The email address. Notwithstanding any changes you make, Bixxus will retain the above Personal Information for security and fraud control purposes. 
Registration information such as: address, city, region, zip code, primary phone number, secondary phone number, email address, etc. 

In certain cases, we will maintain in our files Personal Information that you have asked us to withdraw, and this with the purpose of solving disputes or claims, detecting problems or incidences and solving them, and to give fulfillment to the arranged thing in the General Terms and Conditions or determined by the purpose that is persecuted. In any case, the Personal Information of a user will not be immediately removed from our files for legal and technical reasons, including security support systems. Therefore, it should not be expected that all the Personal Information will be definitively erased of our data bases which is understood and accepted by the users when accepting the Terms and Conditions and the Policies of Privacy. 

The users must update their Personal Information periodically as it changes so that the data are correct when they carry out an operation. To make any changes to the information provided at the time of Registration, you must log in to the My Account section. 

Bixxus may modify the terms and conditions of this Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and/or e-mailing practices at any time. If we decide to make any material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting an updated version of the Policy in this section or by sending you an e-mail or by posting a notice on the home page or other sections of the site to keep you aware of the changes. 

If we make material changes in the form that your Personal Information is administered we will notify you by e-mail so that you can make an informed decision with respect to if you accept or not that your Personal Information is used of that form. If you do not accept those terms, in that case the contractual bond will be dissolved and your Personal Information will not be used in another form that the one that was informed at the moment of being collected. 

For further information about the confidentiality of your Personal Information, please contact us by e-mail.  



The information we collect

The first thing you must do to take advantage of Bixxus services is to register by providing certain personal information (“Personal Information”) that is complete and accurate. We may request, collect and store the following Personal Information: Username or pseudonym to operate the Bixxus site, name, valid ID number, physical contact information (such as telephone number, home address, e-mail address, etc.). Bixxus may confirm the personal data provided by contacting public entities, specialized companies or credit bureaus, for which you expressly authorize us to do so. The information that Bixxus obtains from these entities will be treated confidentially. 

The User who registers with Bixxus through his/her personal account in a social network (“Personal Account”), or in any way accesses Bixxus through his/her Personal Account, expressly consents that Bixxus: 

Have access, at any time, to all of the information contained in your Personal Account, including in particular, but without limitation, your Personal Information, information about your interests, likes, contacts and any other content hosted in your Personal Account; 
include in such account, messages, photographs, videos and any other type of content; and 
send to the User’s e-mail address linked to the Personal Account, information or messages for the purpose described in the section “Use we make of the Information” below. 

It is expressly agreed that at any time the User registered with Bixxus may request to unsubscribe or close his/her registration application, and/or close his/her account or delete his/her account and information from the Bixxus database. Please review the section “Rights of access, cancellation and rectification of personal information” below.  

Bixxus automatically collects and stores certain information about user and visitor activity within its website. Such information may include the URL they come from (whether or not they are on our website), what URL they go to next (whether or not they are on our website), what browser they are using, and their IP addresses. Also pages visited, searches performed, posts, purchases or sales, ratings and replies entered, forum posts, among other information may be stored and retained. 

Bixxus accesses the contact lists of mobile devices used by users to provide its services. This information will only be used to locate and report cell phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses of other users. In turn, users are authorized to share such information with Bixxus. 

As for potential users, Bixxus will not store names, postal addresses, bank details, identity card numbers and/or identity documents, or any other information that could identify or make a person identifiable. We will only store cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses. 

If users send us e-mails we may collect and store such Personal Information, including e-mail addresses.  

Use we make of the information

  • In order to provide excellent service and to enable users to conduct transactions in a fast and secure manner, Bixxus requires certain personal information, including e-mail addresses. The collection of information allows us to offer users services and features that better suit their needs and to customize our services to make their experience with Bixxus as convenient as possible. The Personal Information we collect has the following purposes: 

    To help execute the purchase or sale transactions in an agile and secure manner.  The information thus known by the buyer or seller, may only be used for the purpose of concluding the transaction originated in Bixxus and shall not be used by any of them for advertising or promotional purposes or other activities unrelated to Bixxus, unless expressly authorized by the user. 
    To develop internal research on user interests, behaviors and demographics to better understand user needs and interests and to offer better services or provide related information. 
    Send information or messages by e-mail about new services, display advertising or promotions, banners, of interest to our users, news about Bixxus, in addition to the information expressly authorized in the preferences section. If the user prefers, he/she can request to be excluded from the lists for sending promotional or advertising information. Please learn how to do this in the “Changing e-mail preferences” section below. 
    Send information or notices by short text message (SMS) to the cell phone provided by the user to Bixxus. Short text messages may contain advertising and/or promotional notices from Bixxus and/or third parties, as well as information about Bixxus services, including in particular, but without limitation, reminders of payment due dates and other obligations incurred through the use of services provided by Bixxus. 
    Share Personal information (including e-mail address) with service providers or outsourcing companies that help improve or facilitate operations through Bixxus, such as (but not limited to) marketing services, payment methods, insurance or payment processing intermediaries, call centers or loyalty programs, among others. Bixxus will ensure that certain standards are met by entering into agreements or arrangements for the purpose of protecting the privacy of our users’ personal information. However, Bixxus is not responsible for the improper use of the user’s Personal Information by these companies or Internet sites. In some cases, these service providers may collect information directly from you (for example, if we ask them to conduct surveys or studies). In such cases, you may receive notice of a service provider’s participation in such activities, and it is up to you to decide what information you want to provide to them and what additional uses they choose to make of it. In the event that you provide, on your own initiative, additional information to such service providers directly, such service providers will use this information in accordance with their own privacy policies. If we decide to disclose or share Personal Information with third parties that are not service providers or companies affiliated or related to Bixxus, we will require your consent. 
    Service providers that collect information directly from you include Google Inc. a Delaware corporation headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Through the use of “cookies” (see section on “Cookies” below), Google obtains certain information about the activity of Bixxus users and their IP addresses, which is directly transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on behalf of Bixxus for the purpose of analyzing and compiling reports on user activity on the Internet, with a view to improving the services provided by our website. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by applicable law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. You expressly consent to the processing of your information by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out herein. 
    To provide users’ personal information to entities involved in the resolution of disputes between Bixxus and a user, such as: Arbitrators or Arbitration Courts or courts competent to resolve such disputes.  

Identity validation

By default, no identity validation is required to buy in the store or trade small amounts on BTCBIXXUS but in cases of unusual activity or exceeding monthly transaction limits, in accordance with Colombia’s anti-money laundering policies and KYC rules, we will request full identity validation. Rest assured that we will not share your personal data with any entity or person except by court order. 

Confidentiality of Information

Once registered in the Web site, Bixxus will not sell, rent or share the Personal Information except in the ways established in these policies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user expressly consents to Bixxus transferring all or part of the Personal Information to any of the companies controlled, controlling and/or related to Bixxus, at any time, in any manner and under any conditions it deems appropriate. We will do everything in our power to protect the privacy of the information. It may happen that, by virtue of court orders or legal regulations, we are compelled to disclose information to authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or in cases where third parties may intercept or access certain information or data transmissions, in which case Bixxus will not be liable for the information that is disclosed.

Username or pseudonym

To interact within the site, users must use a user name or pseudonym that will identify them. Users will not have access to the personal information of other users. 

Personal Key

To access the services reserved only for duly registered users, users will have a personal password. With it they will be able to buy and sell, among other activities. This password must be kept under absolute confidentiality and, under no circumstances, must it be disclosed or shared with other people. 

The user will be responsible for all the acts that take place through the use of his or her Pseudonym and Password, which includes being responsible for the payment of the fees that may eventually be accrued or for the damages that Bixxus may suffer for such reason. If for any reason a user believes that someone may know his or her password, he or she must change it by accessing the Bixxus navigation menu. 


Our services are only available to persons over 18 years of age. Therefore, those who do not meet this condition should refrain from providing personal information to be included in our databases. However, they may do so through their parents or guardians. 


The user and visitor of the Bixxus website knows and accepts that Bixxus may use a tracking system through the use of cookies (the “Cookies”). Cookies are small files that are installed on the hard disk, with a limited duration in time that help to personalize the services. We also offer certain functionalities that are only available through the use of Cookies. Cookies are used to learn about the interests, behavior and demographics of visitors to or users of our Web Site in order to better understand your needs and interests and to better serve or provide you with related information. We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages navigated by the visitor or user, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, news about Bixxus, improve our offer of contents and articles, personalize such contents, presentation and services; we may also use Cookies to promote and enforce the rules and security of the site. Bixxus may add Cookies in the e-mails it sends to measure the effectiveness of promotions. 

We also use Cookies so that the user does not have to enter his password so frequently during a browsing session, also to count and corroborate registrations, user activity and other concepts for commercial agreements, always having as objective of the installation of Cookies, the benefit of the user who receives it, and will not be used for other purposes unrelated to Bixxus. 

It is established that the installation, permanence and existence of the Cookies in the user’s computer depends on his exclusive will and can be eliminated from his computer when the user so wishes. To find out how to remove Cookies from the system, it is necessary to check the Help section of the browser. 

Finally, Bixxus stores cookies in order to provide a more interactive experience on the site, based on the user’s actions. The user can, at any time, delete stored cookies, set the browser to ask for approval before storing cookies or directly prevent cookies from being stored. 

This procedure is performed differently in different browsers and must be performed in each browser used. Below, we provide the different procedures to manage this configuration in the most commonly used browsers: 

– Microsoft Windows Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/es-ar/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies 

– Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es&p=cpn_cookies 

– Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias 

– Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?viewlocale=es_US&locale=es_US 

It is expressly clarified that these policies cover the use of Cookies by this site and not the use of Cookies by outsourcing companies. We do not control the use of Cookies by third parties. 


Web Beacons

A Web beacon is an electronic image, also called a single-pixel (1 x 1) or transparent pixel, that is placed in the code of a Web page. A Web beacon has similar purposes to Cookies. Additionally, a Web beacon is used to measure user traffic patterns from one page to another in order to maximize how traffic flows through the Web. The user and visitor of the Bixxus website knows and accepts that Bixxus may use a tracking system through the use of Web beacons. 

Order of Competent Authorities - Legal Requirements

Bixxus may disclose the Personal Information of its users upon request of the competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purposes of investigations conducted by them, even if there is no executive or judicial order or subpoena, or for example (and without limitation to this case) in the case of criminal or fraud investigations. In such situations, Bixxus will cooperate with the appropriate authorities in order to safeguard the integrity of the site and compliance with the law. 

Bixxus may (and users expressly authorize us to) disclose any Personal Information about its users in order to comply with applicable law and to cooperate with law enforcement authorities as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary and appropriate in connection with any investigation of wrongdoing or fraud. 

Security. Information storage

Bixxus is required to comply with all applicable regulations regarding security measures applicable to Personal Information. Additionally, Bixxus uses industry standards to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information, including, among other measures, firewalls and Secure Socket Layers (“SSL”). Bixxus considers its users’ data as an asset that must be protected from loss or unauthorized access. We employ various security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside or outside our company. However, it is important to keep in mind that perfect security does not exist on the Internet. 

Therefore, Bixxus is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Bixxus is also not responsible for the improper use of information obtained by such means. 

All personal data of users will be stored in an automated personal data file. The Bixxus user’s personal data file resides in the USA. By registering with Bixxus, the user confirms that he/she is informed of the residence of this file and authorizes this international transfer of his/her data. 

Change in e-mail preferences

Notwithstanding the fact that Bixxus wants to keep its users updated at all times about promotions, news, changes, etc. users can select the e-mails and promotional information they would like to receive from Bixxus. 

If you do not want to receive e-mails, you can unsubscribe by changing your e-mail preferences by following the instructions provided in our communications. In that section you will be able to select preferences to be taken into account by Bixxus in future communications or by sending your preferences by mail to the address indicated in these policies. 

Area in charge of personal data requests, queries and claims.

The area in charge of handling requests, queries and claims of the holders to exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their data and revoke their authorization is the Customer Service Area. 

The Customer Service Area will attend to requests, complaints, claims and queries from users through the following means: WhatsApp +573214968189 and the following emails: soporte@bixxus.com and contacto@bixxus.com from 8 am to 5 pm on business days. 

Means of exercising the rights of access, withdrawal and rectification of personal data

To make any inquiry, claim and/or request regarding your personal data, you may do so by writing to us at soporte@bixxus.com. 

Bixxus will respond to the request within the term stipulated by Law 1581 of 2012. When it is not possible to answer your query within that period, we will notify you in a timely manner, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating the date on which it will be answered. 

Please note that the request for withdrawal or deletion will not proceed when there is a contractual or legal duty to keep it in our database, as occurs, for example, when there are ongoing operations. 

Period of validity of the data

Users’ personal data will remain in our database for the period necessary to fulfill the uses and purposes described in the Privacy Policy or in the Terms and Conditions. 

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